Version 274 (modified by 8 years ago) (diff) | ,
Functional Programming Sydney
- We are a seminar and social group for people in Sydney, Australia interested in Functional Programming.
- We're interested in Clean, Erlang, F#, Haskell, LISP, Mercury, Ocaml, Scala, Scheme, and more.
- We also have a contingent interested in theorem provers such as Coq and Isabelle.
- Meetings usually held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Atlassian.
- Meetings are announced on the mailing list
- The first meeting took place in February 2008 and we regularly get 20-30 attendees.
- Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along.
Related Australasian Groups and Hacker-friendly Events
- Brisbane Functional Programming Group
- Melbourne Functional Programming Union
- Perth Functional Programming Meetup
- Wellington Functional Programming UG
- more...
More Information
- Members
- Programme Setup
- Past meetings: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- File storage for logos, past talks, etc.
- See FP-Syd Google Group for questions, venue information, and to get an account on this wiki.
Program (2017)
FP-Syd is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
This is a DRAFT schedule. The people assigned to months are free to swap around with others. We can also schedule short talks (15-20 mins) on the fly if you have something interesting to talk about. Email benl at or erikd at mega-nerd dot com and we'll slot you in.
97: 23rd August
- Sean Seefried
- Patryk Zadarnowski
- Amos Robinson
98: 27th September
- Thomas Sutton
- Tom Sewell
99: 25th October
- Liam O'Conner
- Ivan Miljenovic
100: 22nd November
- Speaker to be decided.
- Speaker to be decided.