Custom Query (14 matches)
Results (1 - 3 of 14)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#5 | fixed | 2010 presentation: specs, tips and tricks for a Scala DSL | ||
Description |
Here are the powerpoint slides of my presentation. |
#3 | scheduled | An L4.verified retrospective. | ||
Description |
I've given a talk about theorem provers before. I also have some overview slides on the L4.verified project from a trip in 2010. When we're not feeling overloaded with theoretical theorem proving talks, I could turn them into an overview and retrospective on the L4.verified project which a couple of us worked on. |
#4 | scheduled | Functional pretty-printing | ||
Description |
A longer talk about pretty-printing combinator libraries and a continuation-based implementation in Scala. Could do July, September, October or November. |
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